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From 3M Health Information Systems

Tag: DRGs

DRGs (Diagnosis Related Groups) is a methodology for classifying patients based on the amount and type of hospital resources needed to treat them. Countries use DRGs or similar classification systems to allocate scarce resources, to determine reimbursement and funding and to measure the quality of care provided by hospitals. DRGs link clinical and financial data, and provide an operational means to define case mix (the range and type of patients a hospital treats). Most developed nations have adopted classification systems as the basis of their payment and quality measurement; many of these methodologies, including DRGs, were developed by 3M. The use of DRGs requires diagnosis and procedure coding, both primary businesses of 3M. This is an example of a language that enables communication across all entities involved in the delivery of healthcare.

Sandeep WadhwaSandeep Wadhwa

Blog post

AI technology empowers accurate tracking of patient episodes across care settings

May 17, 2024 / By Sandeep Wadhwa, MD, MBA, Steve Cantwell

I sat down with Dr. Sandeep Wadhwa, global chief medical officer for Solventum, formerly 3M Health Care, to explore evolving industry trends in healthcare technology. You recently attended the HIMSS24 […]

Michelle BbadoreMichelle Bbadore

Blog post

Bridging the gap: How international medical coding can unite the world

Feb. 7, 2024 / By Michelle Badore

The world of international medical coding is fascinating. Medical coders take many diverse approaches and face unique challenges across different countries. By understanding the nuances of the different code sets […]

Chet StroynyChet Stroyny

Blog post

Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) – 40 years later and future outlook

Nov. 13, 2023 / By Chet Stroyny

I recently learned that 2023 is the 40-year anniversary of the implementation of the Medicare hospital IPPS. I have been asked to share some reflections on this historic change to […]

Rich AverillRich Averill

Blog post

Cheers to 40 years! Celebrating four decades of 3M Health Information Systems – Part 4

Nov. 8, 2023 / By Richard Averill, MS

This fall marks 3M Health Information Systems’ (HIS) 40th anniversary! A lot can happen in 40 years, so we invite you to take a journey with us as some of […]

Blog post

Cheers to 40 years! Celebrating four decades of 3M Health Information Systems – Part 3

Oct. 30, 2023 / By Ron Mills, PhD

We’re celebrating 40 years of 3M Health Information Systems (HIS)! We couldn’t do it without our employees’ hard work and dedication.  Working at 3M HIS can undoubtedly be fun. From […]

Rhonda ButlerRhonda Butler

Blog post

Cheers to 40 years! Celebrating four decades of 3M Health Information Systems – Part 2

Oct. 23, 2023 / By Rhonda Butler

We’re celebrating 40 years of 3M Health Information Systems (HIS)! We couldn’t do it without our employees’ hard work and dedication.  Working at 3M HIS can undoubtedly be fun. From […]

Rich AverillRich Averill

Blog post

The Medicare IPPS: 40 years later

March 27, 2023 / By Richard Averill, MS, Ron Mills, PhD

Facing the imminent insolvency of the Medicare Part A hospital insurance trust fund, Congress passed legislation in 1983 that implemented the Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS). The IPPS was […]

Gregg PerfettoGregg Perfetto

Blog post

How can data help you manage your outpatient services

June 27, 2022 / By Gregg Perfetto

Do you wonder what keeps CFOs up at night? No, just me? Well, in case you were wondering, here are some questions every CFO asks themselves: How can my facility […]

Blog post

Where we’ve been and where we’re going: A 50-year perspective on health policy

June 25, 2021 / By Megan Carr, Chet Stroyny

I recently had the opportunity to talk with Chet Stroyny, a program manager for Regulatory and Government Affairs at 3M Health Information Systems, about his 50-year career in the health […]

Blog post

Indian health system in pre-DRGs era

June 21, 2021 / By Naveen Sharma, MD

Why is it a pre-diagnoses related group (DRG) era in India? The major public health schemes in India, including PMJAY, face the challenges of cost escalations, value-based service generation, data […]

Blog post

Payment and quality reform for mental health and substance abuse care: The time is now (part 2)

April 21, 2021 / By Dawn Weimar, RN

In my last blog, I discussed mental health and substance abuse (MHSA) payment and quality in the midst of parity initiatives, team-based care and value-based payment. Certainly, adherence to fee-for-service […]

Blog post

Payment and quality reform for mental health and substance abuse care: The time is now

April 19, 2021 / By Dawn Weimar, RN

We have heard the adage: “The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes but expecting a different result.”  This adage can be applied to the state of mental health and […]