Our Response to the ONC 2015 Standards Advisory

May 1, 2015 / By Amy Sheide

Earlier this year, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) released the 2015 Interoperability Standards Advisory which was “meant to provide the industry with a single, public list of the standards and implementation specifications that can best be used to achieve a specific clinical health information interoperability purpose.”¹ The ONC solicited comments on the advisory “to prompt dialogue, debate, and consensus among industry stakeholders.”¹ As is evident by the recent discussion in our blogs around the importance of interoperability, the 3M Healthcare Data Dictionary Team at 3M HIS drafted a response to the 2015 Advisory that we provided to the ONC this week. Our response has a few underlying themes:

  • Focus on health rather than health care
  • Standardize “information” rather than simply specifying “terminology codes”
  • Harmonize regulations across governing bodies and
  • Provide sufficient detail and implementation specifications without prohibiting innovation

The full response to the 2015 Interoperability Standards Advisory can be reviewed here.

Amy Sheide is a clinical analyst at 3M Health Information Systems and is a member of the Healthcare Data Dictionary (HDD) team.
