Inside Angle

From 3M Health Information Systems

Tag: ICD-10

Blog post

ICD-10 and DRG shifts: Your questions answered

July 11, 2016 / By Cheryl Manchenton, RN, Donna Smith, RHIA

Cheryl:  So Donna, I have been getting a lot of questions from clients about ICD-10-CM and PCS lately. I was in elementary school when the last code switch occurred.  Can […]

Blog post

HIMagine That: In control with ICD-10

July 6, 2016 / By Donna Smith, RHIA, Sue Belley, RHIA

Donna:  Hi, Sue – how was your 4th of July holiday weekend? Sue:  Full of fireworks and time with my family. Hope yours was good as well! Donna:  I had […]

Blog post

ICD-10 coding challenge: Opioid induced constipation

June 29, 2016 / By Sue Belley, RHIA

CHALLENGE QUESTION A 65 year-old male was admitted to the hospital with an acute myocardial infarction of left anterior descending coronary artery. The patient was in cardiogenic shock and an […]

Blog post

Moving from “old thinking” comparisons of claims-based vs. chart-based methods for quality improvement

June 20, 2016 / By Norbert Goldfield, MD, Richard Fuller, MS

A recent article in the journal Medical Care examines the validity of AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) and CMS Hospital-acquired Conditions (HACs) given the growing reliance of these measures for […]

Blog post

HIMagine That: Specificity unrecognized

June 6, 2016 / By Donna Smith, RHIA, Sue Belley, RHIA

Donna: Hi, Sue! I saw you at the ACDIS conference last week. How were the sessions you  attended? Sue: Really good – I liked the diversity and range of topics […]

Blog post

ICD-10 after the code freeze: Finally, the ice is breaking

May 25, 2016 / By Rhonda Butler

In an earlier blog, I said it is a common misconception that ICD-10-CM/PCS is brand spanking new. But it isn’t. It is unused. Just as putting meat in the freezer […]

Blog post

ICD-10 coding challenge: Aspergillosis

May 2, 2016 / By Sue Belley, RHIA

Sue Belley is back from 3M’s Client Experience Summit and catching up on her work. In the meantime, her colleague Julia Palmer, project manager with the consulting services business of […]

Blog post

Leveling the playing field through site-neutral payment

April 18, 2016 / By Richard Averill, MS, Richard Fuller, MS

Our recent article, “Implementing a Site-Neutral PPS,” published in the HFMA journal, highlights the potential for a reform currently making its way through the legislative process. The proposed legislation—referred to […]

Blog post

What happens in ICD-10-PCS stays in ICD-10-PCS: Understanding the device value, part 3 of 3

March 31, 2016 / By Rhonda Butler

In part 2 we talked about the Mississippi Mud rule, an informal notion about how the device works in PCS that can get you mired in confusion when it comes […]

Blog post

What happens in ICD-10-PCS stays in ICD-10-PCS: Understanding the device value, part 2 of 3

March 30, 2016 / By Rhonda Butler

In the first part of this blogatribe, we got the basic principle of the device value under our collective belt. The principle, recapped: the sixth axis is a way of […]

Blog post

What happens in ICD-10-PCS stays in ICD-10-PCS: Understanding the device value

March 25, 2016 / By Rhonda Butler

A device value and a device are not the same thing The heading for each axis in the seven axis PCS table is self-referential. What does that mean? It means […]

Blog post

HIMagine That! Are you accurately reporting underdosing?

March 9, 2016 / By Sue Belley, RHIA, Donna Smith, RHIA

Donna: Sue, it has been way too long. What’ve you been up to? Sue: I’ve been auditing a lot of ICD-10 documentation and coding post go-live. Donna: Same here – […]