Inside Angle

From 3M Health Information Systems

Tag: health outcomes

Blog post

Health care solutions built with empathy

Sept. 29, 2021 / By Steve Austin

Traditionally, health care solutions and applications have been somewhat behind the technology curve. But, now we’re seeing a high demand in the market for solutions that deliver more automation to […]

Blog post

A key solution to health care costs and quality is staring us in the face

Sept. 15, 2021 / By L. Gordon Moore, MD

How can we reduce health care cost trends while improving access and quality? The answer is staring us in the face. Maybe we need a new app that tracks every […]

Blog post

Three questions with Liz Guyton: Health care innovations, physician burnout and HIMSS

June 7, 2021 / By Liz Guyton, Kelli Christman

We sat down with 3M Health Information Systems Vice President of the U.S. and Canada Liz Guyton, CPA, to discuss big tech in health care, extinguishing physician burnout and HIMSS. […]

Blog post

Balancing standardization and flexibility to address the needs of the moment

June 2, 2021 / By L. Gordon Moore, MD

There is good evidence that waste is abundant in health care. Inefficient care delivery is one source of waste, where inefficiency is defined as variability in the way we care […]

Blog post

Why take social determinants of health into account in health care payment?

April 21, 2021 / By L. Gordon Moore, MD

Imagine I have two patients with diabetes. Person A has very mild disease and does well with a treatment plan of self-directed diet and exercise. Person B has more severe […]

Blog post

Quality measurement overload: Focusing on measures that matter

April 19, 2021 / By Travis Bias, DO, MPH, FAAFP

When I was a young primary care physician, all I wanted was more time to spend with my patients. Each day felt rushed, prodded by the fee-for-service system that incentivized […]

Blog post

Reimagine, then reinvent health care delivery

March 1, 2021 / By Carole Cusack

Dealing with a pandemic this past year turned everything we thought we knew about life upside down, including health care. An already challenged industry was exposed for what it has […]

Blog post

Pursuing the Triple Aim in managed care: Value-based default enrollment

Feb. 22, 2021 / By Matthew Ferrara

Some state Medicaid agencies leverage the enrollment process  to drive health plan improvement.  Within states that operate Medicaid managed care, there are typically high percentages of individuals newly enrolled in […]

Blog post

Empowering primary care: Better access to trusted data

Feb. 17, 2021 / By L. Gordon Moore, MD

“Primary care is the foundation to a high value, high functioning system that meets the needs of people and communities.” – Elizabeth Mitchell, president and CEO of the Purchaser Business […]

Blog post

What will it take to truly align payment with value in health care? It’s time to move beyond tepid pilot programs

Feb. 10, 2021 / By L. Gordon Moore, MD

State budgets have been pushed to extremes driven in part by ballooning Medicaid costs and ballooning Medicaid rolls. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation:  “Early estimates indicate that states are […]

Blog post

Health insurers asked to spend an additional $2.5 billion on primary care: Why?

Jan. 29, 2021 / By L. Gordon Moore, MD

Current payment models are inadequate for the full scope of work in primary care. Last month, the Purchaser Business Group on Health (PBGH) and the California Medical Association (CMA) addressed […]

Blog post

It’s still about the prices

Jan. 13, 2021 / By Matt Gallivan

Health economist Uwe Reinhardt famously declared in 2003 that if you want to address higher spending on health care in the U.S., then “it’s the prices, stupid.” Yet almost 20 […]