Caring for the caregivers

What gets between people and better health outcomes? Many initiatives focus on improving the health of patient populations, but when it comes to the health of the healthcare workforce, are we helping caregivers care for themselves?

In this episode, Dr. Gordon Moore talks with Pablo Brown-Rodriguez and Leslie Phillips of the SEIU 775 Benefits Group about improving the health of homecare workers in Washington State. By engaging homecare workers in their own care, SEIU 775 Benefits Group has achieved remarkable results—and a better understanding of what gets between caregivers and good outcomes.

“One defining theme is generosity—generosity in the way in which they care for their clients. So much caregiving going on, and we’re in the unique position to think about helping them care for themselves. That’s been fascinating work.”
— Leslie Phillips, PhD, Director of Population Health and Safety Services, and Pablo Brown-Rodriguez, Innovation Entrepreneur, SEIU 775 Benefits Group


Retrofit Program Video

Publication abstracts detailing some of our injury reduction work:

Injury Among Home Care Workers in Washington State

Safety of union home care aides in Washington State