The role of risk adjustment in value-based care

Is your health system considering taking on more downside risk? In this episode, join Dr. Sandeep Wadhwa, global chief medical officer at 3M Health Information Systems, as he dives into key Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurer payment trends that will influence risk adjustment, quality and population health.

“…there's not a lot of good that's come out of the COVID-19 epidemic, but I do think that it did point to other delivery models, whether it's telehealth or participation in risk contracts where provider groups were on the hook for population health. And so I think there was more comfort for those provider groups who were taking downside risk, and now we're seeing that extend to Medicaid.”
— Sandeep Wadhwa, MD, MBA, global chief medical officer, 3M Health Information Systems


Podcast transcript (PDF, 92 KB)