Frailty Index: Predicting length of stay and complications

Health care procedures can be risky for certain cohorts of patients. How can we identify these patients and weigh the benefits and risks of performing certain procedures? In this episode, Dr. Victoria Sharp explores the idea of a frailty index, which scores patients based on key frailty factors to determine good candidates for surgery or other procedures. Could a frailty index provide a more well rounded view of a patient’s health, leading to better outcomes?

"As a physician, I've often thought about patients that I've known over the years. Some in their 30s seem very old or frail, and then some in their 90s seemed quite young and agile. So there's something more than just their medical condition, and not just age."
— Victoria Sharp, MD, MBA, Clinical Transformation Physician Consultant, 3M Health Information Systems


Assessment of the Risk Analysis Index for Prediction of Mortality, Major Complications, and Length of Stay in Patients who Underwent Vascular Surgery

Frailty and COVID-19: A Systematic Scoping Review

COVID-19: Use of the Clinical Frailty Scale for Critical Care Decisions

Decision-Making in COVID-19 and Frailty

Comparison of Surgeon Assessment to Frailty Measurement in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair

Clinical Utility of the Risk Analysis Index as a Prospective Frailty Screening Tool within a Multi-practice, Multi-hospital Integrated Healthcare System

Impact of frailty on outcomes in surgical patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Preoperative Frailty and Surgical Outcomes Across Diverse Surgical Subspecialties in a Large Health Care System

Predicting risk and outcomes for frail older adults: an umbrella review of frailty screening tools

Frailty Cost: Economic Impact of Frailty in the Elective Surgical Patient.

Association of a Frailty Screening Initiative With Postoperative Survival at 30, 180, and 365 Days

Development and Initial Validation of the Risk Analysis Index for Measuring Frailty in Surgical Populations

Surgical Palliative Care Consultations Over Time in Relationship to Systemwide Frailty Screening