David Bacon David Bacon

David Bacon

Business manager

Coding and classification, Revenue cycle

David R Bacon is the director of revenue cycle innovation for 3M Health Information Systems. In this role, David’s current specific focus is on autonomous coding. He joined 3M as a software engineer when 3M™ Codefinder™ Software was in its early years, just after diagnosis related groups (DRGs) were mandated by the government. Working closely with nosology and expert systems technology, he worked to improve and broaden 3M Codefinder which today is known as the 3M™ Coding and Reimbursement System (CRS). He went on to direct the initial offering of the 3M™ Inpatient Computer Assisted Annotation and Autosuggested Coding solution that has evolved into 3M™ 360 Encompass™ System. Currently leveraging advances in AI technologies and expert nosology collaboration, David is working to bridge customer needs and 3M development efforts to provide continuous improvement in the areas of autonomous and semi-autonomous coding solutions.