Inside Angle
From 3M Health Information Systems
Client support specialists dish about the secret sauce for successful implementations
The vision for digital transformation doesn’t always match reality. Across industries, almost everyone has a horror story about a new system that fell short of expectations or a rollout plan that left them feeling flabbergasted.
At the same time, we’ve all had moments with technology where it just clicked. Where the clouds parted and it made things easier, more convenient and saved us significant time.
To find out what makes the difference between technology fails and wins, I sat down with members of 3M Health Information Systems adoption services team. Their job involves working side by side with health care organizations before, during and after implementation to help make digital transformation as effective as possible – so they’ve learned a thing or two over the years.
Based on your experience working with hospitals and health systems across the country, what goes into the secret sauce of a successful technology rollout?
Jillian Tomich, customer service supervisor, adoption services: The most successful organizations that I’ve worked with have always identified key champions early on who have a great understanding of the technology and its benefits. Peer-to-peer communication is the most heard; it’s the loudest in terms of getting buy-in. I’ve found this to be especially true when clinicians are the end users. Another thing that makes a big difference is the willingness to apply best practices. Lean on technology subject matter experts – we’ve learned through experience what works well and what doesn’t.
Jessica Dashkiewicz, manager, adoption and implementation services: It really is all about the approach to change management and training. I’ve gone on site to train physicians on how to use software and they had no idea the application was even coming; administration purchased the application and implemented it without giving notice. That doesn’t go over well.
People who aren’t included in the decision to purchase the application are more resistant to using it and changing their workflows. On the flip side, involving people from different roles, departments and experience levels in the decision-making process gives them time to voice opinions and become engaged in the change.
Connor Cranston, customer service team leader, adoption services: The organizations that make continuous investments in training and adoption get much more out of the technology than organizations that don’t. It’s beneficial for trainers and technology champions to build an active relationship with end users and continue to work with them. By keeping communication open on both sides – with users and the technology partner – you can take advantage of that escalation path. Say you’re a trainer and you’re working with a doctor who has a question about using the technology and you’re not sure how to help, you can bring that to the vendor for a recommendation. Those touch points give an opportunity to really dive into what’s going on within the organization and optimize use of the solution.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
Jessica: Building relationships with clinical documentation integrity (CDI) departments and providers across the country and learning about the different ways that facilities go about accomplishing their goals.
Jillian: For me, it’s face time with clinicians! That at-the-elbow interaction with them reinforces our purpose for 3M clinician solutions: Give time back to providers so they can focus on patient care.
Connor: I agree. It’s rewarding to help physicians spend less time looking at the computer screen and create more time for care.
For more digital transformation insights and success stories, check out our eguide (PDF, 223 KB)
Angela Haile-Selassie is a marketing communications specialist at 3M Health Information Systems.