University of Pisa, Italy, leans towards analysis of Preventable Readmissions

Nov. 11, 2019 / By Alessandra Di Maio

An article published Nov 5th this year in the Journal of Clinical Interventions in Aging focuses on readmissions as potential indicator of inpatient and post-discharge quality of care in elderly patients. University of Pisa has conducted a study of the most important patient outcomes by combining a comprehensive geriatric assessment* with the output of the 3M Potentially Preventable Readmissions grouper of encounters hospitalized for acute diseases in the Geriatrics Unit of the University Hospital of Pisa, within a 1-year window of observation. The authors have measured an overall high PPR rate with a significantly increased cumulative length of stay and a higher degree of disability and comorbidity of initial admissions-readmissions compared to only admission.

In anticipation of a follow-up workshop on this study, which will take place at the beginning of next year in Pisa, the authors intend to present their results to the regional health authorities, together with additional outcomes of the study (e.g. regression analysis using APR-DRG relative weights).

The experience gained in the University Hospital in Pisa with preventable readmissions was also the topic in a further Case Study published by 3M HIS Italy available here (in Italian).

*Cumulative Illness Rating Scale  – CIRS -, Activities of Daily Living – ADL, and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living – IADL, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire – SPMSQ, Mini Nutritional Assessment – MNA and the Confusion Assessment Method – CAM

Alessandra Di Maio, Product Specialist for Grouping and Performance Systems, 3M Italy.


  1. Calsolaro, V., Antognoli, R., Pasqualetti, G., Okoye, C., Aquilini, F., Cristofano, M., … Monzani, F. (2019). 30-Day Potentially Preventable Hospital Readmissions In Older Patients: Clinical Phenotype And Health Care Related Risk Factors. Clinical Interventions in Aging, Volume 14, 1851–1858.
  2. Goldfield, N. I., McCullough, E. C., Hughes, J. S., Tang, A. M., Eastman, B., Rawlins, L. K., & Averill, R. F. (2008). Identifying potentially preventable readmissions. Health care financing review, 30(1), 75.
  3. CASE STUDY: Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Pisa | Toscana, (3M HIS Italia – 2019). Last accessed on Nov 7th, 2019