Navigating wellness in healthcare: A personal journey to resilience

June 26, 2024 / By Colette Carlson

We are honored to feature Colette Carlson, a human behavior expert renowned for her powerful insights on how human connection can enhance organizational outcomes, as the 2024 Solventum Client Experience Summit keynote speaker. Keep reading to explore her thoughts on how healthcare professionals can manage their well-being.

Given the volume of change, uncertainty, and relentless pressure in today’s modern workplace, it’s time to take healthcare worker wellness seriously. Burnout and exhaustion have become pervasive issues, and it’s crucial to address them head-on.

Over the past 20 years, I have been privileged to speak extensively within the healthcare industry, interviewing countless professionals and witnessing the incredible changes firsthand. Technology has revolutionized the field, but with it comes the need for even greater connection. Change has never come this fast and yet it will never be this slow again.

As someone who spent years both striving for perfection and aiming to be there for everyone, I know firsthand the emotional and physical toll that such expectations can take on our well-being. In the healthcare industry, with its relentless pace and high stakes, these challenges are amplified. Remote workers suffer from their own pressures to include isolation and blurred boundaries between work and home.

However, there’s power in focusing on what we can control. This strategy has been a game-changer for me, and I’ve witnessed the impact first-hand on others as well. By honing in on controllable factors such as our responses, attitudes, self-care practices, and ability to lean in to change, we can navigate the chaos with more grace and resilience.

For example, in the whirlwind of healthcare duties, staying present can seem impossible. However, practicing presence – being where your feet are – is one of the fastest ways to reduce stress as you are not ruminating on the past, nor catastrophizing about the future.  Your presence allows your patients, their families, and your colleagues to feel seen, heard and validated. The bigger bonus is mindfulness dramatically reduces errors.

The foundation of resilience lives in small, self-care acts. I’ve learned that a morning ritual, a short walk, or deep breathing exercises, can recharge our batteries and keep us grounded. Learning to ask for what you need to succeed, set boundaries, and realistic expectations is not about limiting ourselves but about protecting our energy so we can give our best when it matters most.

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is the importance of community. As healthcare professionals, you are part of a unique tribe that understands the highs and lows of this field. Connecting with peers, sharing experiences, and offering support can create a powerful network of resilience. At the 2024 Solventum Client Experience Summit, we will explore ways to foster these connections and build a supportive community within your professional circles.

This event is an opportunity not just to learn, but to connect, recharge, and reignite your passion for the incredible work you do. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity. By investing in your wellness, you are better equipped to care for others and continue making a difference in the lives of those you serve. I look forward to seeing you there and embarking on this journey of wellness together to enable better, smarter, safer healthcare to improve lives. Let’s start with yours.

Colette Carlson is a human behavior expert and CPAE Hall of Fame keynote speaker acclaimed for her transformative approach in cultivating human-centric workplaces that turbocharge business results.