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Recently, I came across an OIG announcement “Review of Medicare Part B Claims for Intravitreal Injections of Eylea and Lucentisopens in a new tab” released in June 2019. Upon reading this announcement, I pulled the latest CY 2017 Top 200 Level II HCPCS Codes Ranked by Chargesopens in a new tab for Part B Medicare. This report lists Eylea (HCPCS code J0178) as the topmost utilized drug and Lucentis (HCPCS code J2778) as the sixth most utilized drug for 2017, contributing to a Medicare expenditure of nearly 2.36 billion and 1.03 billion dollars respectively. In fact, upon reviewing other years’ available reports, these two drugs have been among the highest cost year after year.

Chart 1 is a year by year utilization chart that lists these two drugs with their rank by charges, allowed charges, allowed services and average price (created from available reports at part B utilization reportsopens in a new tab). Besides being among the highest in their yearly utilization, also notice the following:

  • The higher cost (average price) for Eylea as compared to Lucentis.
  • A fast increase in services for Eylea year after year.
  • A gradual drop in Lucentis services since CY 2014.

Chart 1: Yearly utilization for Eylea and Lucentis taken from part B utilization reportsopens in a new tab

YearRank by chargesAllowed charges ($)Allowed services ($)Average price ($)
CY 20171st2,359,906,4602,416,293976.66
CY 20162nd2,116,511,2382,162,577978.70
CY 20152nd1,735,051,4201,733,426978.36
CY 20144th1,238,864,9681,266,174978.43
CY 20136th1,026,112,3611,050,476976.81
CY 2012A different HCPCS code Q2046 was used for Eylea between dates 07/01/2012 - 12/31/2012. This code is not listed in CY 2012 report.
CY 2011Not a Medicare benefit
CY 2010Not a Medicare benefit
CY 2009Not a Medicare benefit
YearRank by chargesAllowed charges ($)Allowed services ($)Average price ($)
CY 20176th1,026,525,1172,713.321378.33
CY 20166th1,026,690,0842,671,197384.36
CY 20155th1,130,335,6852,872,513393.50
CY 20143rd1,310,166,7373,304,755396.45
CY 20134th1,317,254,3523,315,413397.31
CY 20124th
CY 20114th
CY 20105th1,119,421,1282,776,974403.11
CY 20097th853,766,4872,130,944400.65

So, what are Eylea and Lucentis indicated for? Why are they contributing so significantly to Medicare spending?—Eylea and Lucentis are anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) drugsopens in a new tab injected in the eye intravitreally to treat conditions such as wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness among the Medicare population. These are groundbreaking treatments approved by FDA just over the past few years. See Chart 2 below for FDA approval of these drugs for different conditions by date. As you will see, they are mostly indicated for same conditions, but Eylea was approved later than Lucentis. Could increase in services for Eylea over the years (noticed in Chart 1) be related to increase in number of indications approved over that time? Or, are doctors gradually shifting from Lucentis to Eylea?

Chart 2: FDA approval dates and indications for Eylea and Lucentis

FDA Approval for Eylea- Ref:
DateTreatment approved for
May 13, 2019Diabetic Retinopathy
March 25, 2015Diabetic Retinopathy in patients with Diabetic Macular Edema
July 29, 2014Diabetic Macular Edema
November 18, 2011Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration
FDA Approval for Lucentis- Ref:
DateTreatment approved for
April 17, 2017All forms of Diabetic Retinopathy
January 5, 2017Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization
February 6, 2015Diabetic Retinopathy in people with Diabetic Macular Edema
August 10, 2012Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)
June 23, 2010Macular Edema following Retinal Vein Occlusion          
June 30, 2006Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration

In considering the current OIG announcement, what are the Medicare requirements related to Eylea and Lucentis? Here’s a related excerpt from the OIG published reportopens in a new tab:

“We will review claims for intravitreal injections of Eylea and/or Lucentis and the other services billed on the same day as the injection, including evaluation and management services, to determine whether the services were reasonable and necessary and met Medicare requirements.”

This leads to the following questions:statement:

  • How should reasonable and necessary services for these drugs be determined?
  • What other services can be billed the same day?
  • Are evaluation and management services on the same day covered?
  • Are there any other requirements?

Most answers to these questions can be found in Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and/or associated articles. Currently, only four out of seven Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)opens in a new tab have published guidance for these drugs.

Next, let’s look at different MAC requirements related to these drugs. Here’s Chart 3 I created to understand requirements from each of the four MACs with LCD or article in place.

[Disclaimer: This chart is in no way an evaluation of any existing LCDs. It also should not be used as replacement for existing Medicare guidance. Please check original sources applicable as per date of service for details on each requirement.]

Chart 3: Requirements listed by MACs for Eylea and Lucentis

MACs with existing LCD or article for Eylea and/or Lucentis
 First Coast Service Options, Inc. (FCSO)National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)Novitas Solutions Inc.Palmetto GBA
LCD or article
(title and link)
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Inhibitors for the Treatment of Ophthalmological Diseases (L36962) Ranibizumab (e.g., Lucentis™) and Aflibercept (e.g., Eyelea™) – Related to LCD L33394 (A52451)Billing and coding information regarding uses, including off-label uses, of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF), for the treatment of ophthalmological diseases (A53121)Aflibercept (e.g., Eyelea®) coding and billing guidelines (A53387)
How to determine reasonable and necessary services for these drugs? – Diagnoses Requirements
J0178 Aflibercept (Eyelea®), 1 mg83 covered ICD codes224 covered ICD codesNo ICD codes listed but indications are listedNo ICD codes listed but indications are listed
J2778 Ranibizumab (Lucentis®), 0.1 mg214 covered ICD codes230 covered ICD codesNo ICD codes listed but indications are listedNo guidance on Lucentis® at Palmetto CMS database
What other services can be billed the same day? - Requirements for Administrative services - CPT Code 67028: Intravitreal injection of a pharmacologic agent (separate procedure)
Must be billed on the same claim as the drugMust be billed on the same claim as the drugMust be billed on the same claim as the drugMust be billed on the same claim as the drug
The appropriate site modifier (RT, LT, or 50) must be appended. Claims without a modifier will be returned to the provider unprocessed.The appropriate site modifier (RT, LT, or 50) must be appended. Claims without a modifier will be returned to the provider unprocessed.The appropriate site modifier (RT, LT, or 50) must be appended. No guidance on modifiers.

Are evaluation and management services on the same day covered?
  • No guidance mentioned in any LCD or article.
  • Follow general E/M guidelines and global surgery rules. Do not hesitate to ask your MAC for any specific questions.
  • Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 12 – Physicians/Nonphysician Practitioners is a good resource to refer to: 30.6.6-Payment for Evaluation and Management Services Provided During Global Period of Surgery. It states: “A/B” MACs (B) pay for an E/M services provided on the day of a procedure with a global fee period if the physician indicates that the service is for a significant, separately identifiable E/M services that is above and beyond the usual pre- and post-operative work of the procedure. Different diagnoses are not required for reporting the E/M service on the same date as the procedure or other service. Modifier -25 is added to the E/M code on the claim.”
Are there any other requirements? – Frequency requirements
Frequency varies as per indications – refer to LCD for detailsNone listedNone listedIntravitreal injection for the treatment of macular edema more frequently than every 4 weeks regardless of which drug is used for any given injection i.e. alternating drugs every 2 weeks will not be covered.
Also, follow the general requirements for medical necessity as stated in CMS payment policy manuals, all existing CMS national coverage determinations, and all Medicare payment rules.

Chart 3 shows that some guidelines vary from MAC to MAC. Out of these four MACs, two MACs---First Coast Service Options (FCSO) and National Government Services (NGS)---have listed covered ICD-10 codes. However, I’m concerned about the differences in diagnoses between these two MACs. For example, FCSO has 83 covered ICDs for Eylea whereas NGS has 214 covered ICDs! NGS lists additional diagnoses such as Diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, Diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment, Central retinal vein occlusion with retinal neovascularization and stable type, Cystoid macular degeneration, and Retinal edema. Does this mean Eylea could be a non-covered service if a Medicare beneficiary diagnosed with Diabetic retinopathy without macular edema was residing in Florida (claims processed by First Coast)?

To prevent medical necessity denials, it’s important that providers follow their MAC guidelines up front rather than correcting the rejected claims and appealing the denied claims after the fact. If there is disagreement with an existing LCD or when additional services are needed, MACs should be contacted for clarification and for a reconsideration request.

I also want to emphasize that absence of an LCD or article in other jurisdictions does not mean the claims will not be reviewed. Claims may be monitored through post-payment data analysis and subsequent medical review audits. In general, providers should follow FDA-approved indications, dosage and frequency standards. In the absence of an LCD or article, it is a wise practice to check if there are any additional guidelines posted at MACs’ individual websites, to contact them for pre-approval and to always document medical necessity for all services.

Based on these observations, I’m eagerly waiting to see what will come of the OIG findings, if any claims were incorrectly paid, if some were unreasonable and unnecessary and what recommendations will be made to Medicare and its contractors.

 [NOTE: Links and data in this blog are as of July 24, 2019 from the Medicare Coverage Database and are subject to change.]

Divya Verma, is a compliance analyst for the Medical Necessity and Compliance division within 3M Health Information Systems.

Providers: Get the help you need to comply with these complex Medicare requirements.opens in a new tab