Elena Nezdurova


Value-based health care

Elena Nezdurova is a consultant with 3M Health Information Systems and has over 15 years of health care experience. Her consulting experience with providers includes supporting large hospital organizations within payer contracting negotiations and providing competitive intelligence on local markets. She has worked across many payer (commercial, government, multi-payer), state agencies, and provider clients. Elena has experience in the implementation and ongoing support of payment transformation initiatives, including 3M ™ Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Groups (EAPGs). Efforts include the identification of large health systems to target, assessment of how to align incentives and improve care delivery to propel system change. She also works on strategic and population health management opportunities that align strategies and incentives while improving care delivery. Specializing in the measurement, reporting, and communication of 3M ™ Potentially Preventable Events has led to reductions of admissions, ER visits, and readmissions across a wide breadth of populations.